ACTFL公约 & 电子下注软件常见问题解答

Commonly Asked Questions about 公约

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The goal of the ACTFL Annual 公约 and 世界语言博览会 is to provide a comprehensive professional development experience that will have an impact on language educators at all levels of teaching and in turn enable all students to succeed in their language learning process.

Q: How does ACTFL use income from the ACTFL公约 & 电子下注软件?

A: ACTFL is a non-profit organization; net income from dues, 业务活动, and events like the 公约 is reinvested directly into the organization to support teachers of all languages. ACTFL exists solely to support language educators and advance language education.

Q: How does ACTFL determine registration rates for the 公约?

A: Registration rates for the 公约 do not correlate to direct costs. ACTFL’s rates have increased at a slower pace than the increase in our direct costs to put on the 公约. ACTFL has worked very hard to keep the 公约 registration rates as low as possible for attendees and presenters, despite rising production costs. Registration revenue does not cover the cost of attendance, and exhibitor revenue supplements registration to enable ACTFL to put on the 公约. 另外, inflation in the economy has increased costs to put on the 公约, but ACTFL has not raised rates in line with the rate of inflation; again, in order to keep pricing as low as possible.

Q: How does the cost of the 公约 compare to other comparable events?

A: The ACTFL公约 is one of the lowest priced, compared to other national/international conferences for teachers our size:

Registration Rates of Comparable Conferences for 2024

Tesol - $395
Aera - 300美元
Ascd - $585
Nafsa - 225美元
Ncte - 435美元
新台币- $379
Nsta - 375美元

Q: Why can’t presenters attend the 公约 for free?

A: Presenters represent approximately 20 percent of the attendees, which makes free registration for presenters impossible without raising the cost significantly for non-presenting attendees. ACTFL offsets the cost for presenters by offering an ACTFL member presenter discount of $50 off the regular registration rates for those who were accepted to present through the Call for Proposals process.

Q: Why can’t ACTFL move around to smaller, more affordable cities?

A: The options for 公约 host cities are limited by several factors, including the meeting rooms and exhibit space needed for a convention for 6,000 to 7,000 attendees and over 250 exhibiting companies. We currently require over 300,000 gross square feet of space for an exhibit hall, 40-50间会议室, 还有一个有4个座位的舞厅,000 attendees for our general sessions. 此外, ACTFL passed a resolution in 2020 to not hold this event in states with anti-transgender and homophobic legislation, which also limits the possibilities to a few states.

Q: What is ACTFL doing to make it more accessible for members to attend the 公约?

A: ACTFL and the Language Connects Foundation are proud to offer 首次出席者津贴. In 2022, 2023, 在2024年, $50,000 has been earmarked for these stipends of $500 each, in addition to a $217 per diem rate to be used for meals over the three days of the 2024 公约 (this rate will change based on the location of ht event). The 公约 Committee also developed a list of other Funding Options to share with potential registrants.
