


目的语的使用是指学习者所说的一切, 读, 听到, 写, and view – production and reception of language on the part of learners, 教育工作者, 和材料.


Interactive 读ing and 听 comprehension tasks should be designed and carried out using authentic cultural texts of various kinds with appropriate scaffolding and follow-up tasks that promote interpretation. Authentic texts are defined as “written by members of a language and culture group for members of the same language and culture group” (Galloway, 1998, p. 133,引用自格利桑). Scaffolding refers to the support provided for learners to promote acquisition of skills and concepts. Follow-up tasks include activities that provide learners with the opportunity to apply or practice the new skill or concept.


Authentic materials provide real-life examples of language used in everyday situations. 它们可以用来增加学习者的兴趣. They can serve as a reminder to learners that there is an entire population who use the target language in their everyday lives. Authentic materials can provide information about the target culture and provide that culture’s perspective on an issue or event. The rich language found in authentic materials provides a source of input language learners need for acquisition.


The interpretive mode is receptive communication and the learner must negotiate meaning with the document itself. 因为读者, 查看器, or listener is using both content and context to interpret and comprehend what they are 读ing, 查看, 或者听, learners benefit from making meaning from authentic cultural texts of various kinds with appropriate scaffolding and follow-up tasks that promote accurate interpretation.

  • 选择真实的文本
    • 上下文适当
    • 适当的年龄
    • fit the students’ linguistic level (with scaffolding as necessary)
  • Tailor the task to the proficiency level of the student (use the same text but change what you ask learners at each level to do with the text)
  • 给学生机会让他们理解文章的意思
  • 帮助学习者运用背景知识, 上下文线索, and interpretive strategies (many times the ones acquired in their first language) to construct meaning
  • Comprehension tasks might be done in the learners’ first language if students are able to comprehend more than they can say. This is a limited use of first language in order for students to demonstrate their comprehension
  • Since the purpose of interpretive tasks is to assess learners’ ability to deal with language that may be new for them in an authentic text, glossing or translating new words and expressions in the text should be avoided, as well as translation activities that do not demonstrate interpretation abilities. 在真实情境中, 学生将得不到这样的帮助, but use any strategy possible to make meaning to accomplish their purpose in the interpretive task
  • 给学生反馈的时候, they should have an opportunity to analyze their interpretation of the text so that they can see how well their strategies work. This involves examining the evidence that was used to make their conclusions about meaning or to verify an inference.


Adair-Hauck B.格里桑,E. W., & 焚身,F. J. (2013). 实施综合绩效星际网赌登录. 亚历山大,弗吉尼亚州:ACTFL.

Glisan E. (2015). 核心实践网络研讨会. 亚历山大,弗吉尼亚州:ACTFL. 访问: http://www.pathlms.com/actfl/courses/2074

国家标准合作委员会. (2015). 学习语言的世界准备标准. 亚历山大,弗吉尼亚州:作家. (见: http://standards4languages.org)


Language learning should be a central part of any curriculum. 原因如下:


ACTFL致力于提供愿景, 领导, and support for quality teaching and learning to prepare the next generation of global citizens.


We believe that all students should learn or maintain at least one world language in addition to English. Therefore, language learning should be a central part of any curriculum.


Contemporary definitions of literacy include more than basic 读ing, 写作, 听, 和口语, adding the purposeful uses of these skills in today’s media- and information-rich environment.


In order for learners to achieve the highest level of proficiency possible, 长时间的连续研究是必要的.


Backward design is one of the core practices for effective language instruction that relies on thinking purposefully about teaching and learning.


目的语的使用是指学习者所说的一切, 读, 听到, 写, and view – production and reception of language on the part of learners, 教育工作者, 和材料.


Oral interpersonal communication tasks engage students for the purpose of exchanging information and ideas, 满足某人的需要, and expressing and supporting opinions through speaking and 听 or signing with others.


Grammar should be addressed within meaningful communicative contexts as one element of language proficiency.


The role of feedback for learners is critical in advancing language proficiency. Feedback should be provided in multiple forms including formative, summative and self-assessment.